VIP Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley (b. July 28, 1943)

Bill Bradley was captain of the 1964 U.S. Olympic basketball team and a three-time All-American at Princeton. He delayed his professional basketball career to spend two years at Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship. Upon his return he joined the New York Knicks and played on their 1970 and 1973 championship teams. In 1978 he was elected to the U.S. Senate and served three terms.

During his run for the 2000 Democratic presidential nomination, he admitted to smoking pot on a pundit show, prompting Sam Donaldson to out himself also, Cokie Roberts to play the pregnancy card, and George Will to say he was instead a member of the Falstaff generation. While running against Bradley for the presidential nomination, admitted pot smoker Al Gore supported medical marijuana; while running against Bush he backed off.

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